10 Ways to Practice SELF LOVE

10 Ways to Practice Self Love

We often focus on our external relationships (those with our partner, friends, coworkers, family, neighbors, etc); however, the most important relationship to focus on is the one with ourselves. The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship out there. Turning inward and showing yourself some love, appreciation, nourishment, and care will create a more positive life all around and improve every relationship you have.

In honor of Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I wanted to dedicate this blog to LOVE… specifically SELF LOVE. Self love is a form of self respect, it builds our self esteem, and is linked to better health physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

Would you like to incorporate more self love into your daily routine? I’m here to share how to do just that. I hope this list inspires you to get into action. Here are 10 habits to build into your routine to cultivate more self love:

  1. Daily Affirmations

    Affirmations are positive statements that typically start with “I am.” Words are powerful and the thoughts you think create feelings which lead to everything you experience. Start your day by stating all the things you would love for your future self, however state them in the current tense as if you are already experiencing it. You can also put these affirmations on post-it notes around the house, as your screensaver, or make it a ritual to say them when you look at yourself in the mirror.

    Some examples:

    I am worthy.

    I am beautiful.

    I am loved.

    I am successful.

    I am energized.

    I am strong.

    I am productive.

    I am healthy.

    These statements can shift your focus to the positive and help you build resiliency to any negative or stressful moments.

  2. self love letter

    There is something powerful about taking pen to paper and writing. This time we are going to journal about the amazing YOU. Take a moment and write down everything that you do well, what you appreciate yourself for, and all the things you love about yourself. Jotting down a list is a great way to remind you of all the things that you do that often go unnoticed. Here is a reminder to slow down and take the time to recognize you. In the beginning, complimenting yourself may seem challenging, but if you can be open to this, you’ll end up with an incredible list of things that you realize are beautiful and wonderful about you.

    An example of this journaling exercise can look like this:

    “Thank you for working out and making sure I am strong and healthy. Thank you for always going to the grocery store and stocking the kitchen with delicious and healthy foods. Thank you for always making the most delicious iced matcha and playing awesome music to groove to. Thank you for taking me outside to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Thank you for putting money aside to save up for our next vacation. Thank you for listening to podcasts and being open to learning new things.”

    This love letter to yourself is a massive practice of gratitude and will reinforce that positive relationship with yourself.

  3. Move your body

    Have you ever felt crappy after a workout? My guess is NO. Moving our bodies makes us feel amazing and boosts our self-esteem and confidence. When you exercise, you release endorphins, and you feel happy and positive. If you want to change the energy, get up and move your body. This can be anything from a chill walk in the park, some reinvigorating sun salutations, fun dancing in the kitchen, a HIIT class or a badass kickboxing class.

  4. Eat a nourishing meal

    When you eat a healthy energizing meal, you feel vibrant, light, clean, and uplifted. Make a list of all the foods you love that have you feeling healthy and awesome. Stock your fridge and pantry with these foods so they are always on hand so you’re not defaulting to low energy processed foods. I like to encourage my clients to eat from an empowered state. When we constantly remind ourselves of the delicious healthy foods out there, then eating healthy becomes exciting and fun rather than a chore. If you want to mix it up, try a new healthy recipe each week and have fun playing in the kitchen. You may impress yourself and find a new favorite healthy dish to add in rotation.

  5. Treat yourself

    It can feel really nice to receive a present and you can be the person to give it to yourself. Maybe you have been killing your workouts and you want to treat yourself to a new pair of leggings or some new kicks, get them. Maybe you want that extra avo on your salad, go for it. Maybe there’s something you have been eyeing and you feel it will bring you joy, snag it. I’m not talking about splurging extravagantly, unless you want to, but any treat counts. You can treat yourself to fresh flowers, a new book, a day off of work, an iced coffee from your favorite coffee shop, a healthy meal from your favorite restaurant, etc.

  6. Sleep

    Did you know that 1 in 4 Americans are chronically sleep deprived? We are often on go go go mode and forget the importance of making sleep a priority. Incorporating a nightly wind down routine can be so useful in making sure you get to bed on time and get a full night sleep. Create a nightly ritual such as a cup of warm tea, journaling, turning off electronics, stretching, etc. Set a bed time alarm to remind you to start your routine each night to ensure you get to bed at a reasonable hour for those lovely 7-8 hours z’s. When you sleep well, you will have more energy the next day to do more of what you love plus you’ll be in a better mood and more positive to tackle your day.

  7. Unplug

    Have you ever checked to see how much you time you spend on your phone? It can be frightening to see that hours of the day disappear to mindless scrolling. It can be really beneficial to unplug not only from your phone, but from any electronics - the TV, the computer, etc. That means not checking emails, not watching the dismal news, not getting wrapped up in technology… but rather turning inward and spending some quality time with you. Getting out in nature is a plus and a great way to ground ourselves and appreciate the beautiful world we live in. Go for a nice hike or do a fun activity where you really get to be present without technology. This may be the calibration your body needs to feel more alive.

  8. Work with a coach

    Investing in yourself by hiring a coach is one of the biggest acts of self love you can do. A coach is someone who will encourage you when you’re feeling stuck and open your eyes to your full potential. A coach can help you gain new perspectives and fresh insight to help you move towards a healthier relationship with yourself. A coach can help you create new healthy habits and rituals to step into your best self. If you are committed to growing and not staying stagnant, a coach will be the one to hold you accountability and ask you the awesome powerful open-ended questions for you to gain more clarity and insight on how to get closer and closer to your desired state. You deserve that person in your corner to help you achieve all you want and more. A coach is trained specifically on facilitating that change for you to flourish!

  9. Get your Om on

    One of the best ways to destress is with a breathing exercise or meditation. Meditating can help center and ground us during a busy chaotic day. It can help relieve anxiety and stress. This powerful tool is free and accessible anytime and is one of the best practices you can do to nourish your spiritual and mental wellness. If you’re new to meditating, there are plenty of free guided meditations you can try. Start small with 5 minutes and then slowly build up to a longer meditation time. Turning your brain off to be still and calm can work wonders for your overall well-being.

  10. pamper yourself

    Self care is vital. We often think of self care as selfish but in reality it’s the opposite considering that everyone around you benefits when you take care of you. By practicing self care, you are making sure that everyone around you gets the best version of you rather than the worn out, exhausted, tired version of you. Treat yourself to a relaxing massage, a soothing face mask, a beautiful new mani/pedi, or a luxurious facial or a serene candle-lit bubble bath. You deserve to get pampered and feel special. Make it a point to care for your wellness regularly so you are always feeling your best.

I want to wish you all a beautiful and lovely Valentine’s Day. May you recognize all the wonderful things about you and celebrate that today and everyday. Self love is a practice that needs to be done religiously. I hope this list inspires you to start showing yourself love right now. You are amazing. You are loved. You are special. You are incredible. You are perfect just the way you are.

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